Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Not A Pilot

new music update: wanna hear some great new music? go check out I'm Not A Pilot. u will not be disappointed and if fact i think u will be greatly surprised. i am blown away by their talent and originality!they place themselves in the indie pop/classical description of their sound. to quote a friend they have an 'organic ben folds' sound to their music. INAP is sort of a sufjan stevens/arcade fire/ben folds mix. it's a very original sound and the greatest part is that they are extremely talented. INAP consists of piano, cello, bass and drums. their sound is amazing. what draws me in is the interaction of the cello, piano and lead vocals. it's a very pure sound with authentic song writing. check them out! I'm Not A Pilot

Friday, September 04, 2009

The South and the Bible Belt

The South and the Bible Belt. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear those words? Probably something that isn't too positive. Well, this video speaks of the idea behind the upcoming book Megabelt which challenges the negative stigma that most people have of the Bible Belt.

Megabelt by Nick May Available November 1, 2009 from Energion Publications